想要拥有大地公共休息室,方便的公共交通,安静的环境靠近行动吗,附近有一个公园可以亲近大自然的地方吗?UniLodge D1拥有这一切,将舒适性和便利性与您附近社区的各种零售,餐饮和娱乐场所完美融合。UniLodge D1酒店距离墨尔本大学仅有8分钟的步行路程,而距离墨尔本皇家理工大学则只有6分钟的步行路程。通过公共汽车和有轨电车的便捷公共交通也使您可以方便地到达其他主要大学,例如拉筹伯大学,南十字大学和维多利亚大学。此外,UniLodge D1距墨尔本中央商务区仅几站电车的路程,这意味着您既可以在唐人街品尝美味的面条,也可以在离开公寓后的深夜在柏克街购物中心购物!
UniLodge D1为所有居民提供设施齐备的客房,...
其他: Community events, After Hours Emergency Staff,Ironing board
其他: Residential Life Program membership
Regular Policy
Where a Resident believes that they cannot stay in the unit or continue to pay the rent, they must notify the management in writing as soon as possible - two weeks’ notice is the minimum time. When considering prematurely terminating your Tenancy Agreement, it is your responsibility to either co...