离开您的公寓5分钟之内到大学?这就是UniLodge College Square on Swanston所提供的。UniLodge College Square on Swanston正好位于对面的墨尔本大学的主要入口处。如果您正在墨尔本皇家理工大学学习,步行4分钟即可轻松到达。几条电车服务就在您家门口,这使它可以方便快捷地通向拉筹伯大学,南十字大学和维多利亚大学等其他主要大学。UniLodge College Square on Swanston也距离著名的Lygon街仅几步之遥,那里遍布着一流的意大利餐厅,咖啡馆和冰淇淋酒吧。墨尔本中央商务区距离酒店仅有几站电车路程,这意味着与朋友共进深夜后回到家将是安全而又轻松的!
其他: Community events, After Hours Emergency Staff
其他: Residential Life Program membership
Regular Policy
Where a Resident believes that they cannot stay in the unit or continue to pay the rent, they must notify the management in writing as soon as possible - two weeks’ notice is the minimum time. When considering prematurely terminating your Tenancy Agreement, it is your responsibility to either co...