UniLodge @ 740 为居住在墨尔本的学生提供了无可争议的位置。位于墨尔本大学正门的正对面,您永远不会迟于参加讲座或辅导。如果您在墨尔本皇家理工大学学习,UniLodge @ 740也只有几步之遥,所以你也不会迟到。一个电车站就在您家门口,也使您真正轻松地到达任何地方,并可以使您迅速到达其他主要大学,例如拉筹伯大学,南十字大学和维多利亚大学。UniLodge @ 740距墨尔本中央商务区和历史悠久的维多利亚女王市场(Queen Victoria Markets)也只有数分钟路程,您可以在当地市场商店购买超级新鲜的农产品和美味佳肴。
UniLodge @ 740 为所有居民提供设施...
其他: Community events, After Hours Emergency Staff
其他: Residential Life Program membership
Regular Policy
Where a Resident believes that they cannot stay in the unit or continue to pay the rent, they must notify the management in writing as soon as possible - two weeks’ notice is the minimum time. When considering prematurely terminating your Tenancy Agreement, it is your responsibility to either co...